Jamie Jupiter

The girl who is out of this world...literally!

Jamie Jupiter S2 Issue 17-Cover

18th May 2024, 6:33 PM in Jamie Jupiter Season Two
Jamie Jupiter S2 Issue 17-Cover
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Author Notes:

KarToon12 18th May 2024, 6:33 PM
Hey everyone! Thank you all for your patience during the hiatus. But we're back, baby! Everyone fasten your seatbelts, because we're now entering the home stretch of finishing Season Two! With so many plot lines and characters all fighting for attention, it's gonna' take four parts to make sure this ever-growing katamari ball rolls to a satisfying conclusion. Here's hoping you all enjoy the ride! Starting from page 2, updates will be every other day!


? 18th May 2024, 7:01 PM
Nope don't you dare interrogate are girl she is in enough trouble as is. do they already know she's an alien or do they still think she is human?
Darthdespario 18th May 2024, 7:12 PM
Oh boy, she's in for it now.
Psyker01 18th May 2024, 8:03 PM
All right let's do this! And my pick for this episodes song https://youtu.be/fIgJs0Hwp6E?si=3bTuB_ChA6zM0Ulz
JasonDeroga 18th May 2024, 8:32 PM
Yep, we're definitely in Area 51. All stereotypes of the clandestine base are displayed right here on this cover.

Thing is, in this situation the extraterrestrial is already in confinement and slated for interrogation. Compounding the tension is the timing; a war between two worlds is raging, a princess is in need of rescue, and a dark, enigmatic mastermind has been steadily amplifying his mental proficiency through making pawns out of Earth's populace.

This is one scenario where the good guys will ultimately again be faced with difficult decisions, deciding which beans should and shouldn't be spilled, and understanding the most soul-crushing part about heroism -- that regardless of victory, some sacrifices will have to be made.

...and I'm ready.

*after a few minutes of "I'm readys" in SpongeBob SquarePants's voice*

(in a dark, growly voice): Let's go, yo. 😤👊🏽