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Back in my time in retail I lived in an apartment complex, guess you’d call it, that was strips of apartment running parallel to each other for five or six rows. One row over from mine the apartments had all somehow gotten rented by the management at Target. I never really thought about the implications of that. So when my store ended up with another new manager, who was looking for an apartment, I suggested my complex. He ended up in the one directly across from my unit. What I then realized is that I could never leave work. Unless I hid my vehicle he always knew when I was home, so if anything was going wrong at the store he would come get me so I could help fix it. It was a nightmare. He wasn’t a terrible guy or anything, but he was also not a very good manager. His youth made it difficult for the older employees to take him seriously. Which wasn’t helped by the fact his ideas weren’t very good most of the time. He was also kind of bad with people in a hard to describe way. Sometimes it seemed like he didn’t quite know how to be a human.

This is unrelated, but they actually fired him on his birthday. It was coincidence, but it was one of those things that was unintentionally funny. He comes out of the office after it happened like “Happy birthday to me!” then proceeded to basically just do whatever he pleased for the rest of the day like a man having a very obvious mental episode. He was a trucker the last time I saw him.

There were many things that contributed to my slow mental breakdown in retail. He was one of them, even though it wasn’t a malicious act. He just didn’t understand boundaries and I didn’t understand how to set them without ruining my own position. A lot of the small disasters in the comic come from incidents during his tenure. I don’t know if that was happenstance, or because of his actions, but it just happens to be the case. Especially poop incidents. I had to hose down a restroom, literally, on his watch.

Anyway, let’s leave memory lane for the time being. The present concerns of funding are probably more important. To that end I direct you to the support links above the blog. As always, I hope you have a pleasant start to your week. On Wednesday be sure to return for more low stakes adventure on Between Failures.

This Post Will Confuse People.

The blog under the blog has always accidentally caught people by surprise. It’s original purpose was to present information on the homepage that wasn’t time sensitive. The rise of social media kind of made it superfluous, but now social media is falling away & the secondary blog seems like It might actually become useful again since Twitter isn’t the powerhouse it was half a decade ago. At this moment I’m just making this post so that the big image posts won’t appear on every comic page. It’ll just be easy to load text. Job done. Now I can go about doing some other stuff I need to do.