The Daily Life of Catty the vampire
Extras: The Tour
Extras: The Tour
10th May 2024, 1:00 PM
Average Rating: 5 (3 votes)
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Hi guys, it's been a while. Sorry about the long silence, but rest assured we're still here! We've just been busy with other projects while also figuring out shipping logistics for things like a printed version of Catty's Diary. This one wouldn't just be the strips, we want to include extra doodles, fun facts about the characters, and new strips that take place between other ones. If you want to support us, you'll be able to catch some of these over at our Patreon.

On the subject of Soulbound, it's been quite challenging since it's a departure from the comedic strips I'm accostumed to, but PocketyHat and I can't wait for you to see what we've been cooking. We just want to be sure to have a good backlog for it. So stay tuned for any news! (and I'll make sure they arrive sooner this time!)