
15th May 2024, 4:35 PM in Chapter 2
Average Rating: 5 (2 votes)
Author Notes:
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You know, I didn't plan the story at all (except for a couple of details), so I come up with stuff right as I draw it.
User comments:
Myk Streja
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Myk Streja
Hm, I've got a bad feeling about this. What's that? Free? Who authorized that?

Writing off-the-cuff is how you fill in the general ideas of the story. Just be sure it doesn't get away from you.
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The thin line between customer care and charity.

Yeah, I'm always afraid I'll end up in an impasse with the story. That's why I recently went back to episode one and re-read the whole comic, taking note of things that happened and things that characters said. I had to write a small summary for myself!