Rasputin Catamite webcomic copyright 2010-2021 V.L. Wojtanowicz, L. Wojtanowicz, R. Lama H., A. House, K.M. Claude and T. Cliff. Mature audiences. This site generates income from affiliate links. For privacy and information on how we use cookies visit Velvet Rasputin.

Too Cold

11th May 2024, 12:00 AM in May Day
Too Cold
<<First Latest>>


Frame 1
Most of the group is asleep on the floor in an abandoned wood house.

It looks like the abandoned house had been recently occupied and is patched up in spots. There are woolen blankets and pillows on the floor. There is no furniture, save for a food storage pantry and a cast iron cauldron.) Sleeping quarters are fairly cramped.

Frame 2
There’s jars of food, loaves of bread and other edibles in the pantry. There’s a fire warming up the contents of the cauldron.

Frame 3
Sasha bathes in a pond next to a willow grove. His clothes and towel are visible on the shore. There’s also a bucket and propped fishing rod nearby. Sasha has a tattoo of a heart on his left upper arm near the shoulder and an outline of the creature from the black lagoon’s face on the right. The water looks like it still has some chunks of ice in it.

Frame 4
Sasha becomes startled.

Lord Sodom Voice
Isn’t that water too cold to bathe in?
Load my Place Save my Place

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11th May 2024, 12:37 AM
The transcript revealing who said that gives me chills. I'm dreading how this interaction is gonna play out.