Comic 38 - 038 - Sound of the modem

19th Sep, 2011
038 - Sound of the modem
Average Rating: 5 (2 votes)
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Author Notes:

J. Enqvist 19th Sep 2011, 4:00 PM edit delete
J. Enqvist
What can I say... I seriously don't like dubstep... at all. So far I have hated every track I have heard. Granted, there might be good dubstep tracks out there... but so far... no.

And this opinion doesn't come from a person who hates electronic music. I love it. I started to listen to electronic music in the early 90's. I've been a dj for eight years now. Few years as a nightclub dj and later as a club dj. I am a promoter and lately I have started to produce my own tracks. So if I say that I don't like some genre... well... I think I'm entitled to that. In real life I do tell my opinion if someone starts to tell me how great dubstep is... but at least I don't go to events carrying my megaphone and start to give speeches how much it sucks.

And as I happened to mention that I have started to produce my own music... Well... I might miss few updates now and then because of that. Sometimes your creativity just has its limits.
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armandoB 15th Jan 2012, 7:35 PM edit delete
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