
18th Nov 2012, 10:56 PM in Chapter 1 - Aerick's Back
Average Rating: 5 (4 votes)
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Malosis 14th Dec 2012, 9:33 AM edit delete reply
Man, you have a great hand in shading and inking! Look at Sano's beautiful hair! And I love the pose in perspective too! <3
Stanley Chou 16th Dec 2012, 12:19 PM edit delete reply
Thanks as always with the wonderful comments! I think what helps me a lot is finding software that fits my drawing touch. A lot of the great feeling that came out in this comic comes from Corel Painter IX.
0ldCore 29th Dec 2012, 4:23 PM edit delete reply
Nice art
Stanley Chou 1st Jan 2013, 2:34 PM edit delete reply
Draginbeard 30th Dec 2012, 1:49 AM edit delete reply
This is one of the better cover pages lve seen. =)
Stanley Chou 1st Jan 2013, 2:38 PM edit delete reply
Thanks! Covers are really an interesting kind of skill in itself, not that I have that skill...
I found a book at a bookstore that had covers of comics from the 1950s. It was really interesting because all the covers played on certain catchy elements, such as damsel in distress, mob crime in action, evil doctor with syringe, skull with things coming out of eye sockets and mouth, guy holding a candle, people riding fighter jets, etc. Some of those iconic cover styles still survive to this day.
ranger_brianna_new 2nd Jan 2013, 2:27 AM edit delete reply


This comic is awesome. You need only see this page alone to tell. :P
Stanley Chou 3rd Jan 2013, 8:22 AM edit delete reply
Thanks! Covers can be deceiving of the interior artwork, hehe, but glad I reeled you in!
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