Attention Followers!

I’m incredibly sorry for the lack of updates and various delays that I haven’t spoken about. Over the time I was absent I got a small job doing storyboards for an upcoming cartoon, got piles of commissions, and had to find myself spiritually (That’s just a big excuse for me saying I needed a break from some artwork!) As much as I wanted to continue, I never seemed to have enough time for it.

Sadly this brings me to another point. I will not be continuing this story right now. I’ve improved immensely artistically, and this particular comic is going to be put on hold.

That being said, however, I do plan on turning the title “Unconventional Heroes” into a more in-depth story, with an extra character and an updated art style to match my growing progress. These characters will have no ties to the current comic posted here, but their adventures will be very similar.

(Actually the fun part of it is that it’s going to be based on true experiences in a Dungeons and Dragon’s (the table-top game) environment with friends. This will help me create a lot of material, and have characters that won’t feel flat (since they’re really there!) It’s much better than me making it up as I go, honestly!)

I will most likely turn our current heroes into cameo appearances, and perhaps drop out their story and turn it into a much simpler, smaller comic for others to enjoy (like a side project.) Thank you so much for being so understanding, and I truly apologize for the lack of updates.

Feel free to message me if you have any suggestions, comments, or questions about this comic or the upcoming one. Don’t be afraid to, I don’t bite!

Watch these new adventurers crawl their way through traps, dungeons, and scary monsters! Do they have what it takes to make it out alive...and will they ever find that pie!? Updates Tuesdays and Fridays.