Page 1995 - Gaming Nemesis

25th Apr 2024, 6:00 AM in The Last Problem
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Gaming Nemesis
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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Author Notes:

Newbiespud 25th Apr 2024, 6:00 AM edit delete
Absurd? Maybe. But with all the tabletop stories I've read and heard over the course of making this comic, I don't know if I'd even call it unrealistic.


gamemaster80 25th Apr 2024, 6:07 AM edit delete reply
There are definitely gamers out there that feel it's their purpose to make tables burn and watch with a smile on their face.

Also, "Spike.exe has crashed"
rmsgrey 25th Apr 2024, 6:45 AM edit delete reply
Some people just want to watch the world burn; others just want to be warm, but didn't realise that hugging was also an option...
Classic Steve 25th Apr 2024, 11:24 AM edit delete reply
The absurd part is that they talked her out of it.
Digo 25th Apr 2024, 8:24 AM edit delete reply
Comic pages like this have me remembering just how often TTRPGs stood in for therapy in my experience. If nothing else, the socialization by itself is therapeutic for my mind.

...assuming a decent group without Discords and Glimmers of course. >.>
Prairie Son 25th Apr 2024, 9:24 AM edit delete reply
Most of the 'Glimmers' I've known generally have one issue really chewing on them, often stemming from a single disastrous game experience (top two games being D&D and Vampire LARPs). Once you get them through that they can mellow a lot.

Which now that I reread that is pretty much the arc for Starlight Glimmer.
Roguim 25th Apr 2024, 3:56 PM edit delete reply
Yeah, I know many similar stories, most doesn't end well...