Soft and Shattered

magical girls meets college story meets gay dumbasses


30th Jun 2019, 9:04 PM in Chapter 2 - A Purpose, an Intention
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Author Notes:

vividgrim 30th Jun 2019, 9:04 PM
sorry for the long hiatus! straight up lost my computer via dumbass movers (put that to music) hope to have more for you soon xoxo

early updates + writing and design sneak peeks available at my patreon
or send a one night coffee to this non-coffee-drinker


Fidget 13th Sep 2019, 8:14 PM
Y'know when I started reading this comic I didn't know what "mahou shoujo" meant and I was just in it for the delightful characters and interactions. I'm interested to see how the magical girl stuff changes things, this story feels like it's bursting with potential for engaging directions to go in!
^u^ 👍✨