2664 You Are What You Are.

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Accepting yourself can open up a world of possibility to you that you might not realize you were depriving yourself of. I started this comic like a monkey with a crayon, accepting that I would never be perfect, possibly never even be good. The important thing was accepting that and actually doing something. I’ve pretty much been bad at most of the things I wanted to do but kept on doing them until I was okay at them. Creatively though I kept waiting for perfection and not doing anything. Of course you can learn over time and change aspects of yourself, gain skills, and what have you, but there are somethings about yourself you just need to get right with in your head. Another trick is figuring out what you think you can’t do and what you really cant do though.

Anyway, I’m off to be mediocre in other aspects of my life until next time we meet. Oh yeah, support links are above the blog as always. I hope to see you on Friday. Until then, gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss!

This Post Will Confuse People.

The blog under the blog has always accidentally caught people by surprise. It’s original purpose was to present information on the homepage that wasn’t time sensitive. The rise of social media kind of made it superfluous, but now social media is falling away & the secondary blog seems like It might actually become useful again since Twitter isn’t the powerhouse it was half a decade ago. At this moment I’m just making this post so that the big image posts won’t appear on every comic page. It’ll just be easy to load text. Job done. Now I can go about doing some other stuff I need to do.