
episode 1 - page 16

18th Jan 2013, 4:08 PM

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[panel 1]
Aline - Leral, we got our intruders are trapped but I am also detecting a scrambled channel on medium-long range
there may be others
[panel 2]
Jade - hang in there guys! I am on way to bail you out
Jade [I've underestimated the defence system of this place. I can't allow me other mistakes]
[panel 3]
Aline [Wait, step back, they must be--]
Leral - I know, I ear them. Keep talking to me even if I can't reply you
[panel 4]
Jada - radio silence from now, give ear to the beacon to know when we can talk again
Aline [Leral, try to keep a low profile, low as possible...]
[panel 5]
Aline [...we still don't know who's on "our side"]
Leral [I guess they are on the other side of this corridor, if I run I got half chance to approach them from behind]
Jada [I'll break cover as past this hallway, my only advance is element of surprise but need to be fast and reach him]
Show transcript
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