
posted 26th Nov 2013, 3:38 PM

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view Bandkanon's profile

26th Nov 2013, 3:38 PM


...That took me a while.

I think I have a new best friend tho:

Might help me actually stay motivated from here on out.

I wanted to spend 6 hours on comic-related things today, which means I have 5 hours and 30 mins left.

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view Dragonrider's profile

19th Jan 2014, 10:07 AM



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view Bandkanon's profile

19th Jan 2014, 1:17 PM


ah, sorry. Hiatus. I've actually got a couple future pages on standby, but at the moment I'm focusing entirely on my main comic.
I think once I get around to it I might want to make a huge batch upload.

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1st Mar 2014, 10:53 AM


Oh my god, Bandkanon, this comic is visually stunning! I'm so sorry its taken me this long to get caught up on your work -_- real life, ya know how it is. But dude, seriously, the environment you're presenting here brings me back to those comics they were making back in the 90's, when they were first exploring the concept of a deeper and richer environment for their creations to live in. Uggggh, so gorgeous.

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view xyzzy's profile

19th Aug 2022, 7:33 PM


Just discovered this. Very nice! Should I keep on sitting here sitting refresh in case more shows up?

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