58. The Last One

18th Jun 2018, 12:00 AM
58. The Last One
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Author Notes:

Stewartthehuman 18th Jun 2018, 12:00 AM edit delete
I'm going to end it here, the problem with this format was that I wanted larger stories than a four panel format would allow. For each comic I needed to retell the information to make each joke work, because the probability is that somebody who hasn't read the series before would see the one on the front page, and I didn't want them to be confused about anything. But then I wouldn't get a lot of space to tell a joke, let alone try to make it good (I think most jokes in the comic worked, but there were a couple in the last bit that I were a little iffy on.).

I'm going to do something different, still haven't worked out entirely what it is, but it will be entertaining, the comic will mostly be text, but it will feel more organic.

I'll be back soon :)


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