“what you were will not happen again. the tigers have found me and I do not care.” ― Charles Bukowski


10th Mar 2024, 8:36 AM in Ch8: TIGERS
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Author Notes:

DiggityDogDingo 10th Mar 2024, 8:36 AM edit delete
Little late on this one.

I'm rarely prone to I think what I'd refer to as art block? I've mostly always been able to muscle through it. But honestly just real life limbo is just a little extra hill. Six years of IRL career effort is about to come to head, for better or worse and it sort of just has left me in this in this space were I'm not sure if I'm coming or going.

I'm actually excited about this page, it was cool to draw a train again. (Haven't drawn one from this angle since Poppies!) If anyone can guess where we are in Germany by the train station, I'll be very impressed.